To understand, experiment and mobilize around environmental challenges will enable us to collectively build a desirable, resilient future.

Our scope of action

The global warming, the renewal of energy sources, the preservation of resources and biodiversity are all crucial issues to which the world has to respond. It’s a responsibility that falls not only on governments and companies, but on each and every one of us.

We believe that providing young people access to quality information and accurate information on environmental issues is a prerequisite for stimulating a change in both individual and collective behavior.

For this reason, the Foundation has made raising environmental awareness its field of action, based on the following pillars:

Youth : the future of the planet is in its hands.

Information : easy access to quality information enables people to make informed choices.

Collective : if the community begins with the individual, the “community spirit” has a force of its own that can mobilize both individual action and that of an entire community.

Our principles

We are committed to ethical behavior in decision-making. Our actions are based on the Foundation’s Principles:

LEARNING over Education

Connecting to our own innate curiosity rather than an attachment to an educational system.

PULL over Push

Contributions are made with full willingness and unconditionally (pull) rather than any kind of coercion (push).

COMPASS over Maps

Using non-violence as a guide in humanity’s path to a sustainable solution for our planet.

RISK over Inertia

Being open to trying new things, new technology, new systems and networks and learning from failure.

DISOBEDIENCE over Compliance

Not accepting urban myths, or cultural stereotypes, focusing on what is possible rather than what is unfeasible.

PRACTICE over Theory

Learning by doing.

INTEGRITY over Corruption

Acting in alignment of values and ethics.

RESILIENCE over Strength

Systems that can adapt to new circumstances, rather than remain fixed and risk obsolescence.

SYSTEMS over Objects

Understanding interdependent relationships in which context matters, rather than focusing on objects in isolation.

DIGNITY over Status

Every person is an asset for Earth Focus Foundation and humanity.

The Foundation’s Friends

Joining EFF Friends – Earth Focus Foundation Friends – means becoming part of a community of friends and informal ambassadors who share our vision and help drive our mission forward.

Among our Partners