Center of HopePromoting the health of vulnerable populations and ensuring the protection and care of children victims of violence.

A future health, social and educational center

In response to the various crises—demographic, health, nutritional, and security—that Burkina Faso is currently facing, the HOB association, which is dedicated to promoting women’s rights, decided to reorient its objectives to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations. This led to the creation of the Centre de l’Espoir project.

The future Centre de l’Espoir will be a health, social, and educational complex located in the Centre region of Burkina Faso, in the province of Kadiogo. Its peri-urban location will allow it to serve both the rural population of neighboring communes and the urban population of Ouagadougou. The center will cover 11 hectares and is set to become a reference for the Kadiogo province.

The center will aim to:
– Promote the health of the poorest populations.
– Ensure the protection and care of children, especially those who are victims of violence, including  displaced children affected by conflict.
– Empower young people socio-economically
– Restore hope to vulnerable populations who, in the face of multiple crises, have lost hope for an improvement in their living conditions.

Initial funding has enabled the purchase of land, topographical works, and site preparation for the future construction of the center. The Earth Focus Foundation has undertaken to provide the project secretariat in Switzerland.

Objectivesof the Center

Provide healthcare for children aged 0 to 5 suffering from kinesitherapeutic and odontological pathologies.
Improve access to primary healthcare and phytotherapy services.
Enhance the nutritional status of children aged 0 to 5 and pregnant and nursing women (FEFA).
Offer professional training and employment opportunities for young people.
Ensure the economic empowerment of the center through the development of agro-pastoral activities.